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Home » 2015 » March » 15 » Blood Bowl – PC
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Blood Bowl – PC

Blood Bowl is a fantasy football game created by Jervis Johnson for the British games company Games Workshop as a parody of American Football. The game was first released in 1986 and has been re-released in new editions since. Blood Bowl is set in an alternate version of the Warhammer Fantasy setting, populated by traditional fantasy elements such as human warriors, goblins, dwarves, elves, orcs and trolls.

The most recent purchasable edition of the game contains a printed copy of Living Rulebook 1.0. However, the most up-to-date version of the game's rules is the Competition Rules Pack, or CRP. This is no longer available from the Games Workshop's website, but can be found on thenaf.net, which is the global fan organisation for Blood Bowl.

At Warhammer Fest 2016, Games Workshop showed various elements of an upcoming new edition of the game, which will feature the current CRP rules and feature a double sided board and all new plastic miniatures.

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